Stride for Streetlight


Join us for a 55 mile walking challenge event to be completed any time during October 2021

Why 55 miles? That’s the distance that you would travel if you walked between all of Kanlungan’s Centres, starting off at the residential centre at Benitez Street and finishing at the boys home and farm in Cavite province.

Benitez Street

Benitez Street

The farm in Cavite province

The farm in Cavite province


How do I do it?

The choice is yours. Be as creative as you like ! You could walk 2.5 miles each day for 22 days, or 5 miles a day for 11 days, or walk it over a weekend. 

You can do it on the flat or you can walk up mountains. You can do it locally or on holiday. You could even do it on a walking machine at the gym.


How do I raise money?

Just ask your family and friends. Streetlight is registered with Stewardship and you can click here to set up a page with them. Or set up a facebook fundraiser. The choice is yours. Email us with us if you need any help getting set up:

Can I set up a Just Giving page?

Streetlight isn’t registered with Just Giving so please use the Stewardship site instead. If you don’t have a Stewardship account, you will need to register but the process shouldn’t take long.


Sharing your walk with us

We’d love to hear about your plans and how things are going.

Post your pictures on the Streetlight Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #StrideForStreetlight so that we can feel part of a community striding out for street children.

If this is all new to you, feel free to send your photos to us via email

Picture of the Lake at Taglaytay overlooking Taal Volcano on the way to the Kanlungan Farm in Cavite, by the Starbucks coffee shop. Those of you who have visited the farm will remember it.

Picture of the Lake at Taglaytay overlooking Taal Volcano on the way to the Kanlungan Farm in Cavite, by the Starbucks coffee shop. Those of you who have visited the farm will remember it.


Cumbria Way challenge for Streetlight


Alec and Victoria's big day will mean a lot to street children